
The town is always near
The fence is always gray
The sky’s not always clear
To make me wanna stay
The night is always foggy
The morning’s foggy too
We are always groggy
And rest is here a taboo
Here the thing is marching
And that’s what we do
We are also starching
Everything that starches true
The sergeants-major are screaming
Their bloody orders, ‘tis true
Or they are rather mumbling
Things that come undue
We happen to be a-crawling
In the mud ‘tis true
Harsh winds are blowing
My lost liberty I rue
Besides, some here are stupid
Others appear to be dumb
Most here are pushed
By the deeds of ignoble scum
This dump I’ll be leaving
My time will be done
An end to this deceiving
An end to all this scum
Yet now the town is near
The fence is really gray
The sky’s not always clear
Yet I’ll have to stay
‘Tis a heavy cross to bear
Through a ruthless time of loo
How I wish I were there
Where there are other things, too
January 1999
Lots of things have been said on the subject, especially recently. According to biologists and chemists love is a chemical reaction, which like almost all such reactions, stops when the reacting elements are consumed. Maybe so, there are some things, however, I just don’t want to know. Could it be said then that my daughter, who has the biggest love for me, although she’s barely a year old, and who starts crying the moment I’m out of her sight, who will feed me a piece of bread if I give it to her, just because she wants to make sure I’m so much cared for as she is, who will nestle herself in my arms and hug me ever so gently until time itself stops, loves me in a chemical sort of way?
I just don’t think so. There are certainly people who love chemically, I have to agree with that. They have always stipulated that they cannot be sure of their feelings tomorrow because the love they feel may disappear just like the disappearing cat from
They could just say: “Look honey but they are going. How prudent of me to take a look today! I could have loved you another day or two. Now let’s spare ourselves the effort and let go.” Wonderful, isn’t it? In combined use with the already existing and well working love-getter it would be simply indispensable.
For those benighted laymen who don’t know what this is I can provide a brief explanation – the love-getter is an electronic device which can be tuned in to sex or morning coffee and the person who has the same tuning and is within reach will receive an audible signal in his/her gadget. Then he or she will start closing in on the similarly tuned creature and they will do their thing.
When I shared this news with a friend of mine he said: “but what about the thrill of the moment, the suggestive unknown, the fantasies we start building?”
I told him: “All that be damned. Live in this world man, or tomorrow we could be the only people out of tune and then we’d have to communicate between ourselves only and I don’t want to convert myself now. I’m just a little too old for a newly made homosexual.”
He said I was right and asked me where he could get it. I told him to wait a little longer until my suggestion was carried out, of which event I don’t have the least of doubts and then we could safely step into the ever changing world and be happily modern.
What about my daughter? I think you may ask yourself this question. I know that her love isn’t and won’t ever be scientifically challenged. I can also picture you asking another question: “How could I know that?” To this I’ll say I just know it and I’m happy to be able to say it. Whoever is unable to produce this simple sentence needs to rush and go find the inventor of the love-gauge. I’ll claim no author’s rights for the patent.
Let Be be Finale of Seem
The Emperor of Ice-cream
a one-act play
Characters: George, Petya, Vessela and Ivan
The stage is dimly lit to create the impression of night time. There are two rooms at the opposite ends of the stage. There is some distance between them.
In the room right stage there is not much. It is a harsh room, very scantily furnished: there is a bed, a desk, and a chair at it. There are no bookshelves so that all the books are on the desk in disorderly piles. It is obvious that not every time when they are used are put back where they were previously. The books are primarily English classics but there are some modern names, too. There is a cat sleeping on the bed.
In the room left stage there are a lot of things: the bed is king-size; there is a huge built-in many-sectioned bookshelf with very few books on the rows, the latter being occupied by pots containing different anointments. There are some textbooks on the lowermost row. On the topmost one there is a stuffed bird with its wings spread as if soaring in the air, but it rather looks like a shot bird with its bill being open and the beady eyes glazed as if in a desperate cry for something irretrievably lost – its life.
In both rooms there are telephone sets. Both rooms are profusely lit.
In the room right stage there is a boy. He’s about six feet tall. He has auburn hair, brown eyes and oval form of the face. His beard is stubbled. It can be inferred that he has not shaved for a few days.
In the room left stage there is a petite girl with a lithe body and long blond curly hair that almost reaches her waist when her head is tilted backwards.
She is reading a school lexicon lying with her face down on the big bed, her legs moving scissors-like in the air. He is holding a book. He is reading “A Zoo Story” in a volume of American Drama. As he reads and turns the pages his face takes on an intense look, fretted on the text. Then, suddenly, he lets the book go of his hands and sits back on the chair. He stands up and walks around the room with the air of not knowing why he is doing it, lost in deep thought. Then he goes back to his chair, sits down and opens the book where he left off. He reads the same passage, his face acquiring a more relaxed, philosophical expression. While he has been doing all this she has been reading the lexicon leafing randomly through the pages. Every now and then she chuckles or gives a guffaw of laughter. She is still in her previous position.
He leaves the book once again, stands up and goes to the window, which is facing the audience.
Snow is falling and some snowflakes stick to the window as they fall and melt. There is a small electric fire in his room. Now and again he shakes with cold. As he watches the snow he does not shake. He seems checked in a spell-binding moment, fascinated by what he sees. Then with a decided expression he goes back to the chair which is near the window. The telephone is on his desk. He picks up the receiver, thinks a little and then puts it back on the set. Then picks it up again and dials a number. It rings in the room left stage once, then twice.
She jumps off the bed and goes to pick it up. It is a wireless on the desk. After the second ring he hangs it up again. She picks it up, a slightly bewildered look on her face.
Petya: “Hello! … Hello” (the bewildered look still on her face; then she shrugs and hangs up).
George picks up the phone again. There is no signal. It is dual and the neighbors are using it at the moment.
George: “Fuck!” he curses. Puts it back. Goes back to his chair and picks up a volume of Keats. Petya in the other room picks up the phone and dials a number.
Petya: “Hello, can I speak to Maria, please? Yes, I am a classmate of hers. OK, I’ll wait. Hey, is that you? No, I just thought it was your sister. Well, your voice is OK. Yes, I’m glad I found you in. No, I don’t mean to say that you just sleep there (she laughs). Yes, I know him. He’s been following me around ever since, yes. Do I like it? Are you nuts? No, I don’t like him. Shall I be honest with you? I think He’s crazy, nutty as a fruitcake. I really wonder why it is only crazy boys that get hooked on me. What do I mean crazy? Well, you know it means people with mental aberrations, mentally deranged, don’t you? The word means,” (and she picks up a piece of paper), “a deviation from the normal. I looked it up in the dictionary. I needed a scientific term for his state so you, normal people, don’t get confused when he’s being discussed. Do you know he’s calling me every evening? No, I don’t find that sweet. On the contrary, I think it’s disgusting, most abominably wicked. Yes, sure I know better. You better thank God you don’t have to deal with such guys. Oh, how I wish I met a really nice man with a big limo and good manners!
He’s always talking about books. Well, it’s poetry, mainly and other kinds of stupid stuff, too. You know, once I asked him if he could live on poetry and almost imagined his stupid face taking on a grave look of determination and he goes like: “It is a thing that keeps your spirits higher in a trouble. Besides, it’s a wonderful way of communing with people long dead. He says they were alive once, and loved, and had their own problems to solve. They always had hard lives mainly. Who? What’d you mean who? The dead poets, of course. Well I told him: “Listen! I don’t care a whit about them. I have my own life with my own problems to solve, and I told him it was a good thing they were dead coz if they were alive they’d still be writing more of their mind-boggling garbage, and it’d be in our textbooks, and I’d have to study it. Well, he said in this aspect I was like Huckleberry Fin. No I don’t know who he is. He’s Tom Sawyer’s closest friend? Tom Sawyer is a character from a book, too? He says I’m like a character from a book? That I don’t worry about dead people being no akin to me? Why, that’s only normal, isn’t it? If I worried about all the dead guys in human history I would waste my days away crying over their most unhappy lots. No, tonight he hasn’t called me, yet.
George leaves his book again, goes to his bed, his face brightens and he curls on it with his eye on the winter picture framed by the window. The snow has stopped falling and the crescent of the moon fills up the window frame against a starry night.
Petya: “No, we haven’t met since we finished the typing course but I was a fool to let him give me a tape to listen to. It’s … Oh, I have to look at the cover. No, it’s not important, really, and I didn’t like the band anyway. But let’s change the topic, shall we? I’m already sick of having to talk to him every evening and now I have to talk about him. Don’t you think you are a little hard on me, huh?
Oh, you’ve bought yourself a marvelous dress? How I wish I could see it! When can we meet? Is Monday OK with you? No? (Her face is sullen). Yes I see. How about some time on Tuesday? No? Yes, I see. No, I can’t on Wednesdays or Thursdays. On Fridays I’m busy all day long taking courses in programming, sewing, piano and Maths, and at the weekend … me, my family and I go skiing. Well, I’ll see you at school then, as usual. OK, bye! (She hangs up).
She goes to her enormous bed and lies down with a pondering look.
George is on his bed, too. A burgeoning smile moves a corner of his mouth and he looks again at the window. The moon is there and the starry night, too. It is very quiet. He sits up with his knees to his chin and puts his arms round them.
(Shiny happy people by R.E.M. is played out). George picks up a phone and dials a number.
George: “Hello, is Vessela in? Yes, sure I recognized your voice. Oh, I am sorry. You should take an aspirin. Oh, you already have. I’m really sorry for calling you so often. I really am, but bear with me. Tonight’s a special night for me. I have gotten a poetic lift. I have decided to write a play. The title is “A Telephone Conversation”. No, don’t worry. You won’t be in it unless, … unless you want to. No, you don’t and your only hope is that it doesn’t get published? Well, it is my utmost displeasure to inform you that I have every intention of writing it, and finishing it, and getting it published even if I have to pay for the expenses myself. You know I have this option of writing a critique on a problem from Contemporary American Drama or of writing a play that will, in some aspects capture the prevailing motifs of it. Isn’t that great? I had an idea long ago about a play with a title “A Telephone Conversation” and now all I gotta do is just sit down and act upon it, now that at least one major problem has been solved. What problem? Isn’t it self-evident – I have found audience! Of course, she’ll read it. She’s gonna have to. No, I wouldn’t call this self-confidence. I just feel I can do it and you know I even cracked a joke. I said I was going to write it with the hope that it would be included in the syllabus for the next exam in American Drama. On hearing this the Drama teacher almost laughed her head off and she doubled up so I got concerned about the physical preservation of her organism. No, sure, I’m not saying she is an animal. Well, in a sense we all are, aren’t we? I mean not in a sense, but of course you know it as well as I do: we have our pulmonary, adrenal, cordial systems; we catch diseases, we fall sick, and eventually (a pause) we die like all animals and human beings. But anyway all we know now is that a few characters are not going to profess orphanage coz they’ve found their author. Oh, I’m sorry for being so … so worked up, but I’m not apologetic. Well, if we assume that I am it is not more than usual. What are you saying? Can’t you just speak up? Oh, I’m sorry. I got so heated and caught up in philosophical reflections that I … yes, I forgot about your throat. Do you think … yes, I can finish my sentences. I’m not only good at repeating myself and finishing someone else’s sentences. Oh, you know I’ve started using this to my advantage. When someone listening to me interrupts me with a whimsical smile and tells me: minutes for commercials like you do I actually never wait that long. I upstage him and say it before that person has the time to and he or she is disarmed. You are asking me if we can hang up now. OK, we will. I’m not in a hurry. It is you who are. The ear-piece is hurting you? I see. Do you think we could … meet for a cup of coffee? (He utters the words almost by rote). Yes … I see. Simply because we have never met outside school I thought that probably we could … well, you don’t have to apologize. I’m not as dumb as I look! Bye!”
(And he hangs up with an abrupt gesture as if the receiver were a snake and he had been forced to hold it in his right hand. He walks round the room nervous and panting).
George: “Damn!” (He goes back to his chair and takes up a volume of Keats. He reads out loud): “When I have fears that I may cease to be …” (he leaves the book on the table).
George: “But I have no fears at all. Isn’t that strange? I have even begun to talk to myself and I’m not afraid! I know Petya thinks I’m crazy. Only she has never let herself go and say it. Maybe I’m crazy, after all. Then everyone else is normal. I am a freak! The only thing missing here is the raven and … and … the lost Lenore. These things that are missing here are not tangible … and yet they should be here. (He goes to the telephone, picks it up and dials a number. In a minute he is through.)
George: “Hello, is Ivan there? Hi! How are you doing, pal, same old huh? Keeping indoors because of the snow? But I saw it cease. A snow storm now, a blizzard you say? Then I’ll tell you you are a geezer, old man, not to say a gizzard. If not at anything else I’m as good a doggerel maker as I can be. (He laughs. He looks at the window. The snowflakes are whirling wildly as if in a host of suicidally minded night insects around a burning candle.)
George: (with a change of tone) “Well, I made a mistake, I admit, but I swear to God I saw it cease. It has never ceased? Not for a single second? That cannot be. Am I imagining things only? I must be getting cracked! Tomorrow I’ll be a fucking fruitcake! Well thank you for saying so but that doesn’t change the situation in the least, does it? Did I tell you about … well, never mind. Nothing significant really. Actually I was just wondering if we could meet some day during the week or maybe next week. We haven’t met for two years, after all. Oh, I see you’ve got your exercises. No, I’m not going to tell you this. This time I’ll just say goodbye. (He hangs up glaring at the telephone set)
While he has been having the two conversations Petya in the other room has fallen asleep. He turns around and faces the window. It is a wonderfully quiet night out there. The moon fills the window frame. He stares at it trying to see every detail visible to the human eye.
George: “They say if you stare, if you gaze close enough at it you can see the brim jagged. If I see that I’ll be sure I wasn’t imagining things when I saw it cease. Yes, yes I think I can see it. (strains his eyes even more). No, I can’t see anything like that. It was just my eyes. They are blurred now. (he turns around and faces the audience and it can be seen that two rivulets of tears are streaming down from his eyes. He wipes them with his hand. Goes to the desk and picks up the receiver.)
George: “Petya, please be home! (music is played: “… and I call you, I call you on the telephone. I’m only hoping that you are home so I can hear you when you say those words to me and whisper so softly. It goes down to silence. While the music is played the telephone rings three times. The music starts when George picks up the receiver. The telephone rings free. Petya moves uneasily in bed. At first she feels around her pillow, then on the desk which is close to her. Finally her hand happens to be placed on the receiver. She picks it up without opening her eyes.)
Petya: “Hello” (in a voice as if coming from another world, the world of the Never Never Land)
George: “Hi! It’s George calling. Did I get you out of bed?
Petya: (opening her eyes still lying in bed) “No, you didn’t. You just woke me up.”
George: “I’m sorry. Are you mad at me?”
Petya: “Mad as a charging bull since you are asking. You are in luck that I’m too sleepy to be able to yell, and scream, and holler like I want to till your ear-drums burst out.”
George: “I’m really sorry for … for calling so often.”
Petya: “The only way to show that you really are is stop doing it. Do you have the slightest idea what the time is?”
George: “No, but I can look now.”
Petya: “I’ll be so good as to spare you the effort. It’s 10.30.”
George: “I didn’t know you went to bed so early. Actually I remember you telling me you never went to bed before midnight.”
Petya: “I told you this?”
George: “To the best of my memory, yes.”
Petya: “Your memory is playing tricks on you then because I never said any such thing.”
George: “Well, to really prove how sorry I am I’ll tell you straight out why I called.”
Petya: “I bet ‘twas coz you felt like giving a lecture on Huckleberry and me not caring about people who aren’t akin to us.”
George: “Oh, you’ve found out about him?”
Petya: “Yes, I have. I have a net of informers working for me night and day, breaking their necks to keep me informed.”
George: “Aren’t you being a little tautological?”
Petya: “What? Are you playing smart? You want to show off or something?”
George: “To the best of my understanding of the situation, no, I don’t.”
Petya: “That is even worse. You don’t want to do something but are doing it all the same.”
George: “I’m sorry for doing things I don’t want to do.”
Petya: “Say this one more time and it’s gonna be the first time you’ll have said it.”
(George is silent.)
Petya: “Why did you stop talking?”
George: “I was thinking.”
Petya: “A penny for your thoughts?”
George: “I was wondering if we could… (he utters the next word after a pause) MEET.”
Petya: “You know I’m very busy, don’t you?”
George: “Yes, I do. But I thought that you could probably squeeze me into your curriculum.”
Petya: (laughing) “You know we are far apart. You are not my next-door neighbor. There are miles between you and me.”
George: “Even if I were your next-door neighbor there would still be miles between us but the distance could be melted.”
Petya: “How do you mean miles and what is all this talk about distances, anyway?”
George: “Let me remind you that it was you who started it.”
Petya: “Even so. What I only meant was that you couldn’t just stop by. I live at the opposite side of town. Meeting me in the center is impossible because I have no business there and the only opportunity that you have is to talk to me while I’m waiting for the bus to take me home and I have every reason to believe that you wouldn’t like that. What you would like to have instead is someone who can listen to your … how to put it?
George: “Let me disembarrass you…” (Petya interrupts him.)
Petya: “What language are you using?”
George: “English.”
Petya: “I didn’t mean that.”
George: “I know what you meant.”
Petya: “Do you?” (snappily)
George: “Yes, I do.”
Petya: “No, you don’t, you with your stuck-up, pompous literary language.”
George: “Can I finish the sentence that sparkled off all this?”
Petya: “I don’t care so you can go on anyway”
George: “You meant to say that I need to have someone to listen to my erratic reasoning.”
Petya: “Not that I’m less in the dark now but never mind. All I meant to say was that you use big words that kill the meaning. Couldn’t you simply say: “to help you out?”
George: “I sure could, but I love the sound of words, too.”
Petya: “You sound-lover, please keep in mind I’m not up to discuss any of your crazy ideas.”
(Here the connection breaks.)
George: Hello, hello. Petya, can you hear me?”
Petya: “Hello, hello.” (She hangs up)
George dials frantically her number again. The phone in Petya’s room rings once, then twice. She picks it up.
George: “The connection broke.”
Petya: “It’s tiring to listen to you. Couldn’t you simply say: the goddamned phone fucked up? That would’ve only made communication easier and more desirable?”
George: “Yes, I guess, I could. But I swear only when I’m alone.”
Petya: “I find that stupid.”
George: “Swearing is stupid if you ask me. The fact is, however, life only encourages it.”
Petya: “Did you happen to look at your watch while we’ve been talking?”
George: “I have no watch to look at. Besides, I think we should use every moment and try to turn it into a pleasant sensation coz our time’s limited, you know.”
Petya: “Yes, it is because right now it’s 11.30 which means we’ve been talking about nothing for more than ‘n hour.”
George: “You didn’t understand me but I’ve never been understood so I’ve become accustomed to it.”
Petya: “Let’s cut this short, shall we? I feel sleepy again and since you awoke me most brutally you should let me fall asleep again now to undo the evil that you’ve done.”
George: “Yes, I’ll be hanging up now, soon. I only wanna tell you one more thing if you can endure that.”
Petya: “I’ve endured more ‘n that but the thought that it’s gonna be the last of the least as you like to say will pull me through.”
George: “Yes, it’s true I like to say least but not last because I believe in the small things. I believe life is made up of small, very small little things and they should be treasured because each is unforgettable though they repeat themselves and the pattern has been set for centuries.”
Petya: “Be short, please coz I’m dying for sleep.”
George: “I just wanted to tell you that I had decided to write a play with a title “A telephone Conversation.”
Petya: “You’ve changed your mind?”
George: “Yes, I have, I changed my mind in half an hour.”
Petya: “Not that I believe you can do it. I mean write a piece a drama that is worth reading… but…”
(George interrupts her.)
George: “Excuse me for interrupting but you but plays are written to be staged. Something that is not worth reading may prove worth seeing.”
Petya: “That leaves you in the middle of nowhere for whatever you write will never be staged and you know it very well.”
George: “Yes, I know it. The most staggering thought is that I was too naïve to believe there was something I could tell to the audience, but I’m through with naiveté now.”
Petya: “I’m glad to hear you’ve grown up in practically no time. You talk sense now but anyway, tell me what you were going to write about.”
George: “Why would you want to know about something that will never be, about something that was nipped in the bud? Who cares about the still-born babies? Maybe had they seen the light of day, they would’ve grown to be people of talent and genius! How about the tens of millions of people who fell victim in the world wars? And the most recent example - Saraevo? How many of them could have written something of significance? How about the babies who were never born to have the chance to grow up, that were thrown away with the condoms or killed by the pills? How about the people who never thought they had something to say to the reader that would prevail through the centuries to come? How about the people who just lived their lives like never written books?
Petya: “Just let off the steam, will you? I’m in no mood for jeremiads if that’s the word a brain might use for such sort of bitching. The world is business and business is the world. Whoever is not doing business is wasting their precious time.”
George: “Do you think Socrates was wasting his time?”
Petya: “Was he a businessman?”
George: “No, he never did business in the sense that you used the word. His business was to talk to the youths of Athens.”
Petya: “Did he make money off that?”
George: “As far as I know he never took money for his talking to them.”
Petya: “What? Roaming the streets like the raving mad people on the pedestrian way? I’m worried about you. I guess it’s your studies that are telling on you so and if you don’t stop thinking about them in these terms the time when you’ll be doing the same is not far off.
She yawns and looks at her watch.
Petya: “Jesus! It’s midnight! Thanks God my parents are asleep and can’t overhear this. Could they hear it they’d decide I was crazy and the next thing they’d do is send me to some lunatic asylum or something. (She yawns again.) But tell me what your play was going to be about before I fall asleep.”
George: “OK, if you insist. It was going to be about the impossibility of NORMAL COMMUNICATION, the fact that people never take time off from their schedules to MEET someone and in this way confine communication to the phone only knowing that they can hang up any minute and go back to their precious business. The thing is that they expect the other person to make the first step if he or she wants to meet them but it’s never them to make the compromise. It was going to be about people crowded their lives with minor things – business and when the time comes to look back on a life lived, when everything rolls before their eyes like a film on a reel, they will know that there’s nothing worth remembering they’ve done. They will know they’ve missed wonderful moments, they will know that all their lives they’ve been nothing but cogs in a machine, in an assembly line, that they’ve reduced themselves to mechanisms that are replaced in due time – when they’ve worn out – that is when they retire…”
Petya: “Hey, chill out! Aren’t you generalizing a little too much? I don’t have this problem for instance. If I never meet someone it’s because it’s never convenient; because I’m considering not so much the time that I’ll waste but rather the time he or she will and I don’t want that to happen.”
George: “You remind me of Big Hugh the Miller.”
Petya: “Is he a character from a book again?”
George: “Yes, he is.”
Petya: “I should have guessed so. And don’t you ever dare to compare me to a character or characters from a book again! Behind a character or characters from a book, behind the reality shown there there’s only one mind – that of the author and however good he is at comprehending reality he can never put down what he has gathered as information or impressions, and what he has gathered is infinitely small compared to what he hasn’t, to life in its diversity and all.
As for the people wasting their lives, as you said, by working hard, I think that you fail to understand the mechanical progress, which is our future. All we can do is help this progress speed up. Besides, I don’t think that people on their deathbed, if that was what you were implying, are sorry for not talking night and day, around the clock, to other people.
And finally, to prove you wrong to the last, about the wonderful moments missed, about treasuring every moment, I prefer to know that there will be a few such to be treasured. Good things in life should be few so when they come they can be understood. If there were not more bad things in life we would never know about the good ones.”
George: “You are entirely wrong and your stand is refutable. Life with all its fragility and the irrevocability of death are to testify in my behalf, let alone all the other arguments that could be stated.”
Petya: “You’re a frigging dreamer and my only hope is that life you’re constantly referring to will hammer some sense into your head but I have no more time to waste in foolish talk. It’s half past twelve and I feel so exhausted. We’re gonna have to stop this.”
George: “Sure. Just let me ask you one question.”
Petya: “Go ahead but be short!” (yawning)
George: “Did you notice the snow cease?”
Petya: “No, I didn’t. I was asleep, remember?”
George: “Yes,… I remember… I see. Bye and once again my apologies for ruining your sleep.”
Petya: “Stop being so fucking apologetic! That makes me sick. Bye and forget about what’s in the books! Live in this world!”
George: “Bye.”
Petya: “And before I’ve forgotten, please don’t call me so often. It’s a huge waste of time, yours and mine.”
George: “I won’t.”
Petya: “Do you promise?”
George: “Yes, I promise, to never call you again.”
Petya: “Bye.” (He hangs up. She hangs up.)
Petya: “The frigging dreamer with his crazy ideas! Said he’d never call me again. He’d better keep his promise.” (She goes to her bed, sits down and clasps her head with her hands. George looks at the window. The winter is there in full blast. Howling wind can be heard. Dogs can be heard growling in the dark mingling with the wind. More and more it seems to him that the snowflakes are night insects whirling around a burning candle eager to put and end to their precarious existence. He watches them spell-bound, enthralled in a trance. Slowly he turns around facing the audience. Goes to his cat. Starts stroking its fur. The animal stretches its forepaws and starts purring.
George: “What will happen when you grow old and die? How much I will miss you! But I’ll never let that happen. If I go before you go I won’t be missed. You with your wonderful way of living have found the sense that has escaped me ever since I was born.”
He opens the drawer of the desk and takes out a pot containing sedatives. Pours himself a glass of water and gulps down a handful of them choked by them as they momentarily congest his throat.
After he has swallowed them serenity sweeps over his face and takes hold there. He faces the audience. (After a pause):
I have been lately often told
That Good Things never last too long
That Good Things in fact are short,
Or there is something wrong.
I know I’ve got to buy it
I seem to simply have no choice.
Yet, I think I know a bit this voice inside me
That cries out NO!
The feeling of being a Misfit
The sensation of never doing the right
Of this world I must be rid
Before I have even lost the fight.
Still I want to live in this world
Tasting all my victories and defeats
Gulping down every single word
Following the fate of Keats.
I’ve always been a stranger here
And as a stranger I must leave
But somehow I have no fear
Of the spell I must weave.
I’m looking into the future
Looking forward to the day
When Good Things will last Forever
And Bad Things will have too short a date.
And this Day will surely come
When the states will be gone
When the people will be free as the Sun
And the Earth will be as One.
At this Day I’ll secretly rejoice
From the petals of a Buttercup
Having appeased the self-same voice
That now tells me to cut out this Crap.
As he says the last words things begin to spin before his eyes. Everything swims in an eddy and he needs to sit down fighting the symptoms of an oncoming eternal sleep. He tries to preserve his posture, but he can’t and tries to lie sideways, but he can’t for he loses balance and falls over to the edge of the bed and then down to the ground. His eyes blink once, then twice, and then pressed by the heavy sleep of eternity, the eyelids close firmly never to be opened again.
In the other room Petya is brushing the dust off the stuffed bird fighting sleep, too.
Music is played:
Good bye cruel world. I’m leaving you today. Good bye, good bye, good bye. Good bye all you people. There’s nothing you can say to make me change my mind. Goodbye.
Curtains fall
January 1997
От празнината на съня и мечтанията бавни и вечни отекна тътен в дълбините: аз дойдох защото ме повика. Разбих древните решетки на нощта, предизвиках старото ужасно проклятие и се втурнах сред редици уплашени звезди внезапно върху вселената! Вечните тишини бяха нарушени; адът се превърна в рай. Какво да ти дам за да повярваш, знак че най-после ние се срещнахме? Ще строша и изкова звездите наново, ще разтърся небесата с песен; безсмъртна в любовта ми към теб, защото те обичам много силно. За присмех ще са старците и мъдреците с пламък смехът ти ще изпълни света, а аз ще напиша върху свиващите се небеса в алено великолепието на твоето име. Докато се пръсне рая, а ада после загине в развилнелия се лудешки огън и се спусне презрителна тъмнина, гръмовна върху мечтите и желания човешки. Тогава само в празните пространства смъртта ще пристъпва много тихо и от светлите ни лица ще се страхува в безвремието на този пълен мрак. И така обгърнати със съвършена любов вечността ще ни открие заедно сами издигащи се над нощта, сами над праха на мъртвите богове, сами. | |
As I walk by this girl I try not to think of my rather low opinion of their group. Somehow it seems to me that she’s different but in what way?
I smile as I look at her dainty figure in the strange purple leather jacket. We head for the crossroads where the Kamenitsa factory is. I look at the ugly enormous building with half of its windowpanes broken but my spirits don’t sink. I have everything I need to keep them high: the pleasant autumn day with the autumn just stepping into its own and a bewitchingly smiling purple-jacketed girl walking next to me.
“Mariana said you bought cigarettes for her yesterday”, she says suddenly”
“Yes, I did.”, I say.
“She bragged about that all day yesterday and now everyone knows it.”
“Well, so what?”
“They think you fancy her. Is that true?” she asks and frowns a little.
“Of course not. Because of two very strong reasons: in the first place she’s not my type of girl and secondly I teach her. Having an affair with your students is strictly prohibited, you know.”
She gives me a distrustful look and says:
“Don’t think that because I’m a first year student I don’t know that there are a great many exceptions to that prohibition you mentioned.”
Now it’s my turn to be really dismayed.
“How do you know about that?” I ask realizing that denying a seemingly well known fact is more than foolish obstinacy.
“I’m not blind you see. And there’s another thing. Why did you speak of her not being your type of girl first and only then of the prohibition.”
I’m disarmed and have to ask for truce.
“Well, I admit I tried to conceal a fact from you hoping that you’d learn it later in your graduation, or better still, never learn it. Why, you’ve barely spent a month here.”
She is silent and we approach Captain Raicho street with all its vulgar display of still life. There are hundreds of street sellers making it difficult to pass through with their stalls cluttered up with anything you can think of – from household appliances to shoes, boots, jackets, refrigerators and cassette-players.
“Are you going to the rectorate?” I ask hoping to restore the conversation we were having.
“Yes, I am”. She’s not smiling at me any more.
“That’s my way, too.” I say cheerfully.
We still walk in silence. I’m not that depressed by it any more. I start looking at the things and people around and past us. Here we are already at the doors of Restaurant No10 as we used to call it. Actually it is nothing but a canteen for the ever hungry students. Opposite is the rectorate and next to it, on the left, is restaurant No5. Another canteen as you must have guessed. We cross the underpass and there we are in front of the rectorate itself. Many feelings are boiling inside me and I’m trying to cool them down. This is the time of parting. Now we both will take our separate ways and we’ll see each other well… I dare not think of that. It’s two days from now and during that time, what am I going to do?
A most difficult question indeed.
We start walking up the stairs before the entrance when she turns to me:
“Well, I have some more classes.”
I look into her eyes. They speak frankness. An impish bewitching twinkle suddenly flashes. That tells me that there’s more to it. But was there really a twinkle there or did I just think so in the red glow squeezing through a slit in some distant semidetached houses.
“Good bye then”, I say trying to suppress the heaving sigh in me.
“Bye”, she says and disappears behind the door.
I watch the door which keeps opening and closing letting garish young people through. Some of them must be hungry and are sure to head for the canteens, others are smiling probably thinking of their dates tonight. It is going to be another dateless night for me. I’ll be surfing the net as usual trying to dig up forgotten lore concerning all the girls I’ve lost. I’ll try not to make the same mistakes with the girl in the purple jacket if I am given a chance with her. The word chance clicks a lyric into motion. I think of a song by Queen where Freddie Mercury sings: “Whatever happens I leave it all to chance. Another heartache, another fair romance,” and I realize that it has to necessarily be so. I’ll always be agnostic in the realms of love. As I think of this I also feel the all-too-familiar growl in my stomach and start walking towards restaurant No5.
Бай Иван, както всички знаем, е запален рибар. Миналата седмица като отишъл на риболов на едно малко язовирче, където имал навика да лови каракуда, му се случило нещо доста необикновено. Риболовът вървял доста вяло и плувката се местела едвам-едвам по вълничките на малкия водоем, когато изведнъж забила надолу и изчезнала от вече леко премрежения му поглед. Бай Иван тутакси се събудил и застанал нащрек Последвало второ рязко потъване на плувката и части от секундата след това, тя изскочила пак на повърхността. Бай Иван вече гледал водата съсредоточено и след безпогрешна рибарска калкулация на интервалите когато плувката била на водата, преброил до четири и без да чака тя да потъне, дръпнал въдицата. Това естествено съвпаднало с факта, че нещото отдолу под водата току-що било захапало вкусния червей. Дръпнал Бай Иван и видял най-странното създание, което някога се било люляло на въдицата му. Миниатюрен златист влажен динозавър го гледал възмутено с ококорени очи. „Ааааа” – извикал Бай Иван, който, както всеки рибар бил суеверен и твърдо вярвал в зли водни духове.
- Пусни ме и аз ще ти изпълня три желания – се чуло как казва слабо гласче.
- Кой каза това? – извикал той и се огледал около себе си.
- Аз бях – раздвижили се жабешките устни на странното създание.
- Аз съм Златният Тритон.
- Аз само за златни рибки съм чувал – смутено казал рибарят.
- Златната рибка ми е колежка, ама не се среща във вашите водоеми. Тук съм само аз. Хайде кажи ми какво искаш и ме пусни във водата,че кожата ми вече взе да изсъхва.
- Ама ти наистина ли...?
- Пробвай ме.
- Искам... искам... май не е много лесно – казал Бай Иван като се чешел там където не го сърби.
- Ааа – сетих се. Искам да имам веднага един голям замък.
И речено-сторено. Чуло се тежко тупване, замята се разтресла и като погледнал Бай Иван към малката си къщичка, видял да се извисява до нея огромен бляскав замък.
- Брей! Ама ти хич не се шегуваш а?
- Точно! – отбелязало изключителното земноводно. Давай нататък с желанията.
- Не може ли първо да си помисля малко?
- Не става. Три едно след друго или това, което вече си пожелал изчезва.
- Със златната рибка, май не беше така.
- Аз не съм златната рибка.
- Добре тогава. Искам... искам... ами да! Искам веднага най-красивата принцеса за жена!
- Давай нататък.
- Това стана ли?
Да и те очаква в замъка ти.
- Супер! – очите на Бай Иван заблестели. Ами то какво остана? А, да – искам веднага да съм депутат в народното събрание!
След последното желание на рибаря, златният тритон подскочил високо във въздуха и сам се освободил от кукичката на въдицата, а Бай Иван се озовал в пленарната зала, където вървял някакъв доволно скучен доклад. Слушал Бай Иван доклада. Гласувал после както си му е реда, като стигнал до прозрението че както и да гласува, няма никога да разбере за какво става въпрос и едвам дочакал края на работния ден. После си хванал такси до неговото село в Добричка област, платил с дневните, които бил вече изработил с гласуването си по няколкото въпроса през деня и се затичал към неговата принцеса. Влязъл в разкошния палат и веднага се насочил към покоите си. Там тя лежала в обятията на млад мъж и те весело си приказвали.
- Как! – викнал Бай Иван. Аз още не съм те видял, а ти... не те е срам.
- От какво да ме е срам – казала хубавицата, като се изправила срещу него цялата гола.
- Теб те няма по цял ден. Дори и на сватбата ни не дойде. Аз не мога така. Не съм свикнала да се отнасят така с мен. Аладин, а и другите принцове, с които съм си имала работа, ми обръщаха много по-голямо внимание.
- Ясно. Да продадем замъка и да идем в София.
- Не съм съгласна – отсякла принцесата. Аз няма по цял ден да стоя сама там. Тук ми е по-добре.
- Тогава аз ще напусна работа за да съм с теб ден и нощ, въпреки че още не съм ти простил.
И така Бай Иван напуснал парламента за огромно учудване на неговите колеги. След като се върнал в замъка, го очаквала нова неприятна изненада. Придворните и слугите поискали гаранция, че ще им се плати за ежечасния труд там. Бай Иван им казал, че за тях трябва да е гордост, че работят за него, но те не били хора, които да оценят това. И така всички те си тръгнали като всеки взел каквото може да отнесе като компенсация за изработените два дни.
- Какво ще правим сега – Бай Иван погледнал принцесата с копнеж - всичко изпълних както поиска.
- Аз не съм искала да нямаме какво да ядем, да няма кой да ми прислужва и да вее отвсякъде защото те отнесоха и вратите. Къде ти беше акъла като направи всичко това. С мен никога не са се отнасяли по такъв начин – викнала принцесата, тропнала с крак и заминала за София, където доколкото знам и сега живее много добре в компанията на известни новобогаташи.
А на Бай Иван му се наложило да събори замъка, защото – първо, не можел да го поддържа, второ, не можел да плати където трябва, за да му го оставят и трето - освен това, замъкът бил строен незаконно.
Днес ловим риба заедно, аз и той и по време на риболова, той ми разказа тази история. Oбсъждахме надълго неговите желания – и аз, като по-млад си мисля, че май само последното от неговите не бих избрал. Ама и друго да беше, краят май щеше да е един и същ.
- Трябва да избият всички тритони с тротил, особено златните – казва намусено Бай Иван и сълза се отронва от очите му, а плувката сякаш му намига от водата. Аз погледнах моята, която изведнъж заби надолу.
След дълъг и мъчителен трудов живот аз съм вече известен писател на кратка проза. Как станах известен? Наблегнах на гледане на реклами по БТВ – там сексуалните усещания в каква да е реклама просто бликат независимо дали рекламата е за перални, прах за пране, шоколад, салам, дамски превръзки или нещо друго. Моите колеги са гледали всички тези реклами, а и не само те, както разбирам от случайно дочути похотливи коментари в рейсовете. Та си казах, ако човек може да пише и да звучи като сексуална реклама за купуване на някакъв битов предмет, то там трябва да се крие успеха. И така – оттук накъде? Започнах да пиша за изневери. По цял ден и нощ това правех и винаги имаше поука – колкото повече, толкова по-добре. Излишно е да казвам, че скоро добих популярност – бях четен от мъже и жени, на които не им стискаше да го направят, бях четен от такива, на които им стискаше и искаха да обменят опит, бях четен от такива, които искаха да ме използват като научно-популярна литература с цел образоване по въпроса на човешкото съвокупление. Аз, естествено, нямах против. Ако исках да кажа нещо на света, очевидно трябваше да почна с това, което той искаше да чуе. Единственият проблем, който възникна и помрачи светлия ми творчески възход, бе жена ми, която просто ме попита:
- Каква е тая тъпа тема дето си я захванал или ти само за това мислиш?
Как да й обясня? А тя продължи:
- И откъде тези познания по въпроса? Да не би от личен опит а?
Винаги съм знаел, че има опасност да потърсят автобиографичното в произведенията на един автор, затова стиснах зъби и реших мъжествено да го понеса на семейно ниво. Разбира се моите успехи имаха и финансово измерение. Аз имах предложения за преводи на чужди езици, за филмиране на мои произведения. Бях издаван в огромен тираж, съизмерим с този на Хари Потър, разбира се на национално ниво. Аз лично не разбирах какво толкова намират в изневярата и малко натуралистично описан секс, но кой съм аз да съдя Негово Величество Читателя? И така под клавишите на лаптопа ми се нижеха произведение след произведение. Декамерон, Кентърбърийските разкази, Тропика на Рака, Тропика на Козирога, Нексус, Плексус, Сексус, Лолита, всичко почти на Чарлз Буковски, Мол Фландърс, Фани Хил, Маркиз дьо Сад - всички класики в жанра, бяха претопени за да излезе от всичко това невероятният български полов атлет и ненаситната, еманципирана българска нимфоманка, които само искаха още и още. С това дойдоха и конференциите, и командировките, представянията на новите ми книги в многото постсоциалистически и няколкото азиатски страни, където бях публикуван. Много скоро след това аз почти не се прибирах вкъщи, а когато се прибирах, бях уморен от полети, интервюта, хотели, всякакви опити да отказвам на жени и мъже, последователи на автобиографичния подход в тълкуването на литературата. След около година изтощителен писателски труд, реших да напиша нещо друго, което винаги бях искал да напиша и което знаех, че ще се публикува сега, и още повече, щеше да бъде прочетено, защото моето име щеше да стои под това произведение. И така след поредното дълго отсъствие от къщи седнах пред лаптопа във вече огромния ми бляскав нов дом и се сетих, че искам кафе. Миризмата на прясно сварено кафе щеше да ме отведе по бързо към слънчевия свят на една красива любовна история, естествена от начало до край, напук на заплахата от сблъскване на Земята с метеорит, войната в Ирак, терористичните атаки, парниковия ефект, ледниковата епоха, в която вече сме навлезли, метана на Титан и приложението му за скъпи газови уредби на такситата... Както винаги когато бях вкъщи повиках жена ми, която винаги с удоволствие бе правила кафе за мен. Не последва никакъв отговор. Повиках я пак и отново гласът ми отекна в тишината на огромния ми апартамент на 3-тия етаж в центъра на града. Аз станах обзет от странно чувство и почти веднага съзрях бележка на масата. Взех я бавно и прочетох:
Няма да ме видиш вече. Това че писанията ти нищо не струват и сам го знаеш, дори техническата страна на твоите изневери издиша, повярвай ми знам какво говоря. Ти се оказа, за съжаление, на същото ниво. Припомни си практиката преди да продължиш с теорията.
Беше ми трудно да повярвам. Защо ли винаги бе късно за всичко? Седнах бавно пред лаптопа и погледнах навън. Небето изведнъж се озари от нетърпимо силно, ослепително бяло сияние...
Translated by Hristo Boev
In Memoriam of Granny
My head is like a prickly artificial flower – one of those that gather all the dust in a room. My grandmother studied at a Romanian school until the 7th grade. She was born in a village near Dobrich. I bristle up and shake off all the dust. I am a teacher of Bulgarian language and literature and unlike my good old shrewd granny I think I know what all those things about the 7th grade boil down to… . Granny can make a jam of green tomatoes and cook an excellent pepper stew. The pepper stew, actually, has more than pepper in it. It is a dish made with potatoes, tomatoes, green beans, okra pods, pepper, parsley… I love Granny’s pepper stew. What if somebody made my children go all through the 7th grade’s ordeal to… I’m really going to fling all these things out of my head… I don’t need them right now. There should be dust – at least on the streets. Otherwise the world would be unnatural, sterile, unreal, smelly, drab, not free, ugly… like a dog world… (can’t think of other comparisons). If it were spic and span the streets would not be washed, and I love so much to walk on a freshly washed pavement…
Tolerance – Bam! My head gets stuck in between thoughts like a die on its edge. I walk about the backyard and pop up another niggling question: “Granny, who taught you to write in Bulgarian…?” Her dear child seems inordinately excited today. Something is crackling in my head dashing against the back of it. The tomato seeds get stuck in my throat choking me. Granny gives me a perplexed look. She puts her hand on my smooth knee and this time around fails to remark that I go about inappropriately dressed for a teacher in threadbare denim pants and white sneakers. Sometimes I don’t feel I belong to the Dobrudjan people although I was born in Dobrich. I am not patient enough, I am blunt, always knowing what I want… Granny smells something wrong – she senses it vaguely. She pours to me some of the pepper stew, strokes me over the head. What a cunning conspiratorial move! – That’s what they all do when they come across a fledgling like me. The vine in the backyard under which we are seated has a telling smell. Sensual, fresh and ready for the imminent harvesting. There are two dice here – I, however, am no gambler.
Granny says something that makes my insides run cold and the steam of the hot pepper stew hits me in the face. Four to three.
“The Romanians, dear child, were no tyrants or oppressors, they were our friends. Let me tell you about the fair-haired Nikoleta…” I don’t want to know anything about some Nikoleta with grey or green eyes, beautiful smile and good soul. The same can be said of Barbies nowadays. A sharp look on part of my granny and the bump on the surface turns into an oval – Stuck again – the die is stranded between two angles. Resistance is part of my character. There is a cure for every bump, though. Nikoleta was my granny’s classmate in the 7th grade and she cried a lot for herself and her family when the Romanians left Dobrudja. She had left Bulgaria together with her parents. She was Queen of all evening gatherings… fair-haired and her eyes in fact were blue… I can make nothing of this.
Sharp edges I have… I can, however, cook pepper stew. Granny taught me how to make a jam of green tomatoes, raspberries, pears… I lean back in the chair, take off my white sneakers and fold my legs. The ripe peaches in the backyard opposite to ours are truly tempting. The Serbian Ivo Obretenovich is not around. I wonder where Elisaveta, the Colonel’s wife is hiding. I smile to myself. Although there are plenty of fruits in our backyard I covet the neighbors’. Granny is still telling the tale of her love for Nikoleta. I have come to see her and it is about time she did some work on my character. The Romanians are our friends…, “but the teachers at school spanked us a lot”… It is now that I shudder and my eyes turn to steel. Granny regards me calmly, “but in spite of all that we had happy lives”. I clench my teeth and fold my legs again, this time changing the position of the legs. I was as near as I could to falling off the chair. The water melons will be ripe soon. I prefer melons – they have a flavor. Nikoleta was a good student.
What fruits there are in our backyard! When I was little and came to my village during the vacations it sometimes happened that my grandpa would scold me for something I’d done and then I would see how upset he was and how he regretted doing it… Everyone was watchful of what they said and how they spoke to me and at the same time no one imposed any restrictions on what I should or should not do. That was how one learned to think… and to make mistakes… If only there weren’t these bumpy edges in me and these Romanians whirling in my head… I really don’t know what is coming over me.
I clang all over. It is wet in the backyard – just like after a rainfall. Grandpa is watering the garden. He is not from these lands. His parents left all their property in today’s Romania when half of Dobrudja was returned to Bulgaria. They settled in a village near Dobrich. I have never seen him cross, agitated or insulting someone. Granny rambles on: “Ask your grandpa about the Romanians”. They were good and you could reason with them. That’s what had been passed on to my grandparents by their parents. Bulgarians and Romanians twice elected my great-grandfather (my granny’s father) mayor of the village. He was a grave man, prone to silence, a man of character and good stock…
I must be some weird chip off the old block. I lack essentials, leisurely thoughts evade me. I am a crossbreed of plum and damson. I clutch at ideas, my mind creaks madly. I’m chased by owls. I find fields maddening. I touch unseen realities. I am vaguely aware of something. Nikoleta. All my grandpa’s property is in today’s Romania. This is free land. Dust and dice. Stuck again. Cracks in the windows. Wind. I wonder if Nikoleta is still alive. I am being blunt again. Granny lowers her head. She’s not looking at me. She enters the house and starts roasting the chicken for dinner. My legs feel cramped on the chair. I can see the little squares formed on my ankles. The figures on the rest of my body have resulted from the patterned cushion placed on the chair. The woman in the backyard opposite to ours is standing by the fence – she has divined my thoughts and is giving me peaches. The handsome Serbian from the film The Thief of Peaches should be hiding somewhere round here.
I don’t make any protests as I take the fruit. The sides of my calves in contact with the Dobrudjan embroidered cushion are all in little triangles and rhombs. Granny calls from inside: “And don’t wear those underpants at school. You should be ashamed.” I stretch my legs – it has been almost two hours since I folded them – the Turkish way. I feel my whole body numb. I bring it back to life as I walk about the yard. It would be hypocritical and untrue, to say the least, to even think of all around me as dear, close to my heart or some suchlike. Here the people are reserved. Who do I look like in moments like these in which I look around me, feel at home but am reluctant to share it with anyone! “And break that Turkish seat, you’re bound to get bandy legs,” granny runs on… .